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Honda CIty Owners Club: Honda City Owners Club - Berbuka Event

Monday, August 30, 2010

Honda City Owners Club - Berbuka Event

Sorry is the only word that i can say and sorry again to HCOC members because i can't attend the "berbuka" event. To redeem it, here i dedicated a few minute in giving the highlight of the event.

Place: Bawal Power
Detail of Event: Berbuka

This is the first event under HCOC, although it is not official but the effort to make it happen is there. I would like to thanks Carl, Afiq, Karen and Azeli for their effort in making this event happen. Although not all member were there, but it is sign that the club is alive.

With this event, i hope the club can grow bigger and bigger, thanks for all the support that you guys gave and we hope the next event will be merrier with all the participant of HCOC members.

We will update you on the next event that will be organize by HCOC. Do visit our facebook page for the event update.

Thanks and Best Regards,
- Its me -


  1. Thanks to abg. Kamal (did not mention up there) coz came with whole family to support our event.

  2. Sorry...if i forgot to mention some names..almaklum tukang tulis x der time event tuhs..wahahahaha

  3. Today, our club has really became bigger.... congratulation!

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